Gunship Over Florrum, Droids Over Iego & Air Striker were a series of online games we did for the “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” online comic book in 2009. This provided new content to fans anxiously awaiting the release of the new season.
“Uniting a popular brand with the interactivity and engagement of a compelling online experience, this game uses Adobe software to immerse fans in the stories they love.”
– Adobe
Game Title Design
In the game, players can jump into a Republic gunship for an adventure of their own, battling their way through waves of Federation droids and fighters on the sulfuric planets. Upgrades are available that enhance your range weapon, add to the strength of defensive shields, supply you with bombs, give you extra lives, and award you bonus points.
Fei’s Creative Fields On This Project
Wireframe, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Game UI.